

View the Project on GitHub NU-DSS-The-Dapper-Squirrels/The-Dapper-Squirrels

Checkpoint 2

Team: the dapper squirrels

Proposed Visualizations

In this section, we verified our hypothesis by using SQL and Tableau visualizations. We proposed two visualization themes:

  1. Visualize by using a line chart to show the officer hours/year per capita in each community by years if change over time.

  2. Heat map of Complaint Report per capita V.S. Tactical Respond Report per capita. We could also consider lawsuits between “victims” and police officers; search warrants granted in each complaint?

How to View Analysis

To review our workbook, please load the visualization_book.twb under checkpoint-2/src into Tableau. The default database used were offline version of CPDB, server version can be chosen by connection to server after loaded the workbook. However, relations between tables need to be reestablished. There are also findings in powerpoint format and PDF format.