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Checkpoint 3

Team: the dapper squirrels

Proposed Visualizations

In this section, we verified our hypothesis by using SQL and D3 visualizations. We proposed two visualization themes:

  1. Highlighting the high and low socio-economy status communities with different colors and plot TRRs on them. Set up a time slider to see how it changes over time.

  2. Using color code(heat map) of A&A (dara_officer assignment attendance) in different neighborhoods. Set up a time slider to see how it changes over time.

How to View?

The full report of the findings can be found here:

There is also the PDF in the directory for the un-interactive reports.

SQL Used to Query the Data for Plots

SELECT sum(a.counts) over (partition by beat order by year) as total_cr, a.*, sum(b.trr_count) over (partition by beat order by year) as total_trr FROM
(SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM incident_date) as year, as beat, median_income::money::numeric as income, count(*) as counts
FROM data_complainant
LEFT OUTER JOIN data_allegation ON  data_complainant.allegation_id = data_allegation.crid
LEFT JOIN data_allegation_areas daa on data_complainant.allegation_id = daa.allegation_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN data_area da on = daa.area_id
where median_income is not null and EXTRACT(YEAR FROM incident_date) >= 2005
group by 1,2,3) a
LEFT JOIN (SELECT  SUM(trr_count) as trr_count,community_id,date FROM
               (SELECT count(*) as trr_count, AS beat_id, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM trr_datetime) AS date FROM trr_trr
                   LEFT JOIN data_area ON  beat::text =
               GROUP BY 2,3) a,
               (SELECT DISTINCT ON(1) as beat_id, as community_id FROM
                                                                (SELECT * FROM  data_area WHERE data_area.area_type ='beat')table1,
                                                                (SELECT * FROM  data_area WHERE data_area.area_type ='community')table2
               WHERE ST_Contains(table2.polygon, table1.polygon) or st_intersects(table2.polygon, table1.polygon) ) m
WHERE  a.beat_id = m.beat_id
) b ON a.beat = b.community_id and a.year =;
SELECT json_build_object(
    'features', json_agg(json_build_object(
FROM (SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(data_area.polygon) :: json->'coordinates' AS coordinates ,id
                FROM  data_area WHERE data_area.area_type = 'beat' and polygon IS NOT NULL) p;
SELECT beat_id, CAST(count(CASE WHEN present_for_duty THEN 1 END)AS float)/count(*) AS percent, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM start_timestamp)as date
FROM data_officerassignmentattendance
WHERE start_timestamp IS NOT NULL and beat_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY data_officerassignmentattendance.beat_id,date;
SELECT sum(count) over (partition by name order by date) as value, name, date FROM
              (SELECT count(*) as count,name,date
              FROM (SELECT as name, to_char(trr_datetime, 'YYYY-MM') AS date from  trr_trr LEFT JOIN data_area
              ON beat::text =  ) AS a
              GROUP BY 2, 3 ORDER BY date ASC ) AS b ORDER BY value DESC ;