

View the Project on GitHub NU-DSS-The-Dapper-Squirrels/The-Dapper-Squirrels

Checkpoint 4

Team: the dapper squirrels

Proposed Visualizations

In this section, we verified our hypothesis by using Natural Language Processing and Google Colab. We proposed three questions:

  1. Compare the Bigram and Trigram in the top 5 highest and lowest socio-economy status communities.

  2. For similar(in contents) complaint summary texts, are they having similar eco-socio status to each other?

  3. Is there any bias in the complaint report? In other words, is the complaint report narrative different from the incident summary?

How to View Analysis

To review our Google colab notebook, please visit this site:
An un-interactive version is also available.

Please check every steps mentioned in the notebook for setup.